Post three in my Easter series.
What Rome was concerned with was maintaining control over those it had conquered. It was dominating in the best of times, but Rome became especially nervous and tyrannical around Pesach.*
Pesach is the celebration and remembrance of the Exodus. The Exodus was a time when the Hebrew people rose up against their foreign oppressors and kicked some Egyptian ass. Pesach had special significance in a time when they were being ruled over by another foreign people, this time the Romans.
Rome understood that during Pesach, everyone was easily whipped up into a frenzy. They were ready for a revolution. Anyone who looked like he might be a potential leader of said revolution had to be dealt with decisively.
Then Jesus enters Jerusalem to a thrilled crowd shouting his name.
And Rome takes action.
And that's why Easter should never be celebrated without remembering Pesach.
Chag Sameach, everybody.
*Pesach is the Hebrew transliteration of Passover.
You have been such a great interpreter of all things Jesus this week. I'm being serious! I just wanted you to know, I've read them all and think you've done a fab job--while also providing an educational/historical spin on the matter to boot. Bravo!