Sunday, April 29, 2012

3KCBWDay7 Crafting Balance

This entry is part of Knitting and Crochet Blog Week.

Let me be honest. I never intended to be a knitter. Mom knit. Grandma knit. I did not need to knit. When a cousin had a baby shower, Mom could make the snowsuit or blanket. I would go to Target and buy her something off her registry.

I don't even know quite how it happened. In my mind, I learned how to knit to humor my mother. I did not expect it to take.

Holy sheep's wool, did it take. It's just as likely for Andrew or I to refer to a bedroom upstairs as the yarn room as it is the guest room. I subscribe to four knitting magazines. My wishlist is filled with yarn from indie dyers and knitting books. I've gotten to know the knitting section of my library very, very well. I say things like, "Oh! Are those jaywalker socks? I love Grumperina's designs!"

I just didn't expect it to happen. I still find myself getting defensive about it. As strong as the online knitting community is, most of the country thinks the way I choose to spend my time is nutty.

Maybe it is, but I love it.

Knitting is a consuming hobby. The amount of reading I do has certainly declined. (Reading was my hobby of choice pre-yarn.) I still feel the call of the garden, but it helps that it's only calling to me seven months of the year.

All of this is to say that I am so besotted with knitting that I have not made time for crochet. I did take a two-hour crochet class in December, but I haven't made myself stop knitting so that I could spend some time learning to crochet. There are just too many awesome things to knit.

I do hope to learn to crochet. There are some gorgeous designs on Ravelry. For instance, this cushion should be mine. But I'm not ready yet.  Right now, I just want to knit.

1 comment:

  1. I can sympathize. I'm reading much less these days. It is sometimes handy to know how to crochet though, for instance, one steeking method involves crochet...check it out. :)
