Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ravine Garden @ the IMA

Yesterday at lunch I went back to the Indianapolis Museum of Art with a plan to buy a trellis from their greenhouse. That didn't work out.* However, since I was there, I took a walk to one of my very, very favorite places in the world, the ravine garden at the IMA.

Look at this! A MASS of hellebores happily growing and blooming along a rock wall. Is it any wonder I keep buying these plants even though I've killed all but two? They're stunning.

Anybody know what this blue-flowered plant is? I have no idea, but it's lovely.

I said hello to the fish. We chatted about the winter. Turns out, they're more excited about Spring than I am.

There's a peacefulness here that I can't describe.

This is my favorite picture. When I see it, I can imagine myself there, and it's a beautiful place to be.

Happy May Day, everyone. We made it to Spring.

*I now have been searching the Internet for the perfect trellis. So far, it doesn't exist. I'm trying very hard not to slip into crazy about this. File that under First World Problems.


  1. Your photos are SO beautiful!

  2. I think the blue plants are forget-me-not (myosotis) - very pretty, and self-seed generously :) Talk to a handyman or a joiner about making a custom trellis :)

  3. What a beautiful place! I cannot get hellebores to grow here--so many attempts, so many hurt plants. The pictures you've taken make me miss my home state!
