Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Presenting Spacorn Squash

The garden thus far has been a lot of heartache.  Seedlings that refuse to grow beyond 2" high.  Herbs that won't sprout at all.  Rabbits eating what plants do grow.  Planting of marigolds.  Rabbits eating marigolds.  Utter rotting of trellis netting and subsequent cascading and breaking of plants.  Tomato worm.  Squash gone wild.

I admit that I honestly believed that if I did the work to build the square foot garden, mix the soil according to specifications, and build the vertical supports that my garden would flourish.  It didn't occur to me that things wouldn't go well.

However, I have managed to harvest two items from the garden thus far.  They both look like this:

Huh.  I checked the map to see what should be coming from that area.  It's squashapalooza around there, so it's difficult to tell whether it's the Hasta la Pasta spaghetti squash or the Acorn squash.  I tell my mother it must be an acorn squash because of the coloring.  She says it's the wrong shape.  I agree.  I muse some more.

This thing is shaped like a spaghetti squash and colored like an acorn squash.

Sigh.  The only thing I've managed to get out of the garden is a hybridized squash.  I call it Spacorn.  I'll let you know what it's like when I cut it open.


  1. Congratulations on your new arrival! I hope it's delicious.


  2. OMG, I am having a belly laugh at this right now! If that IS a zuke--can you mail me some soon--I have not had ONE all summer! We in the Midwest are veggie cursed this year, that's all I can say!

  3. Squacorn! I love this! And try it...I bet it's delicious!
