Monday, November 5, 2012

Truth Telling

Remember the Gray Girl Friday? I said, "The collar isn't as pronounced as I think it should be, so if I were to knit it again I'd knit the collar quite a bit wider. Even though I'd make some modifications if I were to knit this sweater again, I love it."

I was lying.

I didn't love it. I wanted to love it. Wanting to love something is clearly not the same as actually loving that thing, but it took me a month or so to accept that.

Last week I ripped out the ribbing.

I picked up a bajillion more stitches along the front edges (about double), and I knit a lot more short rows around the collar. The combination gave me ribbing that wasn't stretched to the breaking point, and a collar that actually looked like a shawl collar.


It took a few days of mindless k1, p1-ing, but it was worth it.

Now I love this sweater.

*Yes, I'm also wearing my button necklace. You'll have to take my word for it, but I have my Blackrose socks on as well. Basically, I'm a pioneer woman.**

**If by "pioneer woman," you understand that I mean, "woman who knits in front of the TV."


  1. Excellent choice! And MY! You've been busy. I guess I have, too. Haven't looked in on your blog in...awhile, and look at all of the fun things you've been cranking out! You'll be ready for Christmas, for sure. (I'm cranking out the second of your "groovy" socks. TV/Netflix: here I come!)
